truck drivers guide to eating healthy on the road

A Truck Driver’s Guide to Being Healthy on the Road

Long bouts of being OTR and the constant disruption to a “normal” schedule can leave drivers feeling stressed and unsettled. With a little forethought and focus on self-care, small changes add up to a big difference in your physical and mental health while balancing long-haul drives!

Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to forget, or even avoid, drinking water on the road. Staying hydrated is one of the most important steps you can take for your health. Consuming the proper amount of water helps brain function, improves sleep quality, keeps organs healthy, and helps joints stay lubricated.

Drink Electrolytes

If plain water isn’t your jam, consider stocking up on liquid water enhancers, electrolytes, sports drinks, coconut water, or Pedialyte. Make sure you get the electrolytes you need. Electrolytes are an important part of proper hydration that ensures that your body stays balanced and running efficiently!

Exercise Regularly

Driving is, by default, a sedentary lifestyle that can lower your inclination to exercise. Get your body moving to help stay in shape. Boost your immune system. Reduce cellulite. Help with circulation and oxygen dispersal in your body.

Taking breaks to focus on movement, even a short walk, can make a difference in your physical and mental health. If trails or paths are at a minimum and you’d like to get your steps in, track your mileage by walking laps around your rig. About 32 laps around a tractor-trailer add up to a mile! 

Meal Prep for Your Long-Haul Drives

Despite the allure of greasy fast-food, one of the best choices is to pack food before you hit the road. Lean protein, green vegetables, and clean carbohydrates help you stay full, alert, and functioning properly. Packing meals and snacks in reusable containers reduces waste on your run and keeps the cab cleaner, too!

Pre-packing food gives you the option to eat regularly so you don’t get hungry behind the wheel. A variety of snacks like nuts, cheese, fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthy “munchies” keeps you satiated. It cuts down on road rage, as well as fighting that dreaded spare tire. At Lynch Logistics, we provide a weekend stipend, refrigerators in trucks, and inverters for ancillary devices for our drivers!

Listen to Music or Podcasts

Maintaining good mental health is an integral part of staying healthy on the road. Fill your miles with music, podcasts, or audiobooks that you enjoy to make the time pass more quickly. Give your brain something to work on in the background. Music is great to have on at any time, even while driving in the city.

Stay Happy!

Whereas podcasts, audiobooks, or even talk radio can help with the long stretches of open highways that hold inherently fewer distractions. These entertainment options not only help pass the time, but also can have a significant impact on mood, fatigue, and stay informed on trending topics and events. At Lynch Logistics, we provide Sirius radio for our drivers!

Personal Appearance

One of our favorite tips for staying healthy on the road is to make choices that make you feel good about yourself! Invest in a nice hat or sunglasses that make you feel confident and happy. When you feel good about yourself, you naturally make decisions that keep you in a positive frame of mind or better your mental and physical health.

Sun Protection

Lynch Logistics provides company gear for our drivers, such as hats, shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, and other outerwear. Incorporating these accessories alongside sunscreen prevents premature aging from hours of sunlight.

It may not seem like much, but spending time behind the wheel adds up to massive amounts of sun exposure. Stay safe! Keep that skin looking great!